
Get to Know Us

We reject the division agenda and won’t be part of any ‘me versus you’ war.
We say “NO!” to all things, practices, products that are unethical, unjust, and unloving.
We won’t give up our authenticity to follow the masses and do what we’re told out of fear.
We will never adhere to a ‘2+2=5’ society even if those in suits and white coats promote it.

We refuse to be compliant, complacent, and cowardly.
We’re too wild at heart, strong in mind and free in spirit for that.
We may not be William, and this may not be Braveheart, but our freedom means everything to us and it’s well worth fighting for.

Legality doesn’t equate to justice.
Normality has nothing to do with morality.
Education isn’t synonymous with enlightenment.
And we’re here to remind people of that and put these wrongs right.

We’re not afraid of taking Morpheus’ red pill.
We quit modern slavery; we won’t be tricked into shackles ever again.
We won’t live life according to limiting subconscious programing.
We forever reclaim our true power, and with it, any pieces of ourselves that we’ve ever lost.

We call upon those who resonate with our message and mindset.
We don’t fail, it doesn’t exist in our realm of reality.
We never kick ourselves, we only kick booty.
We are Kind Revolutions, and our butterfly shield is to be raised in defense of all things good and kind and in resistance of all things bad and unkind.

  • Initiate and see through much-needed Kind Revolutions by cultivating a catalyst mindset and ultimately revolutionising our collective reality for the better. We get people to raise their shields for what matters!

  • Be a guiding force of pure goodness and unite all other good forces under the same roof as we look for maximum people to share on our key topics and relay the same messages in different ways to create maximum impact. Together, we create heaven on earth.

  • Be a representation of, and a community for, the open-minded, the warm-hearted, wild-spirited, the brave, the challengers, the dreamers, the believers, the creatives, the thinkers, the compassionate and the gentle, within which we connect and demonstrate acts and lifestyles that align with the Kind Revolutions message.

  • Inspire people to extend their compassion and kindness as far as it can reach with the purpose of creating a truly loving world, wherein we banish and boycott all practices, products and lifestyles that go against that.

  • Restore humanity’s spark by fighting blind compliance and weak complacency when it comes to corrupt aspects of the status quo.

  • Facilitate and promote people power over system power: Stop the division agenda (men vs women, black vs white, Arab vs Jew, left vs right, etc.), foster tight-knit communities wherein people trust themselves and each other over so-called authorities, remind people that they in fact hold the power and if we came together we wouldn’t have to wait on any external decision-makers to make positive change – Our combined personal decisions and life choices are what shape the world.

  • Help people break free from their limiting programming because our current world reality is a reflection of humanity’s collective state of consciousness, meaning that change starts with each and every one of us.

  • Defend and protect the vulnerable, namely children and animals, as we have a responsibility to take care of the purest of beings.
  • To be an ever-growing home and a beacon of light for people that fight for, and embrace, all things good.

  • To be a leading inspirational force for the younger generation, as they will one day carry the torch.

  • To be an active contributor in uplifting the world, its people and all its creatures.

  • To be a known challenger of the status-quo in favour of imagining and creating different a better reality.
  • Family – we treat everyone part of our community like family. No formalities.

  • Love – our Kind Revolutions are infused with love.

  • Kindness & Compassion – we lead with kindness & compassion in all things we do.

  • Integrity – we never compromise, and always uphold, our integrity.

  • Freedom – we will not censor ourselves nor anyone else. We support the freedom of people, animals, and everything in between.

  • Open-mindedness – we are open-minded. There’s nothing we can’t discuss, question, or imagine no matter how strange and far out. We consider all perspectives.

  • Creativity – we are creative in the delivery of our key messages.

  • Determination – we are determined to make every Kind Revolution a success.

  • Bravery – we’re not afraid of calling out what needs calling out. We stand up for what’s right no matter what.

  • Authenticity – what we say aligns with what we do and how we present ourselves is what we are.
Listen Up!

The Situation

We have become disconnected, as wisdom gets lost.
We are deactivated, as hearts turn off.

Our relationships are disharmonious, as disputes come between us.
We are desensitized, as conditioning replaces consciousness.

We are dumbed down by dumb distractions.
The time is here and now to take action.

From men and women being at odds with each other, animals being abused and slaughtered, news spreading hatred, political puppet figures starting wars and playing chess with people’s lives, to technology taking over young minds, appearance being valued more than spirit, work being prioritised over wellness, the education system crushing kids, and so much more, it’s a sorry state of affairs to put it lightly.

But it doesn't have to be this way...

Raise Your Shield!

The Solution

Kind Revolutions (K-REV)

Kind Revolutions are about revolutionising our reality for the better – hence our name – by creating positive tangible shifts through the intangible – Consciousness and awareness, kindness and compassion, perspective and mindset, morality and values, ideas and ideals, thoughts and questions.

We are a movement more than anything else and it is here that we wipe the programming that is creating the stage for the crises of our modern world and all of us in it, whom now, more than ever, need Kind Revolutions.

Exchange people’s standard programming for a higher level of consciousness, and BOOM, a new heaven-on-earth reality is created.

Why do we focus on multiple Kind Revolutions instead of concentrating our efforts on one specific cause? Well, firstly, as an all-goodness-encompassing movement and platform, there are many topics that are both worthy of attention and necessary to address for goodness to prevail. But more interestingly, every Kind Revolution is in fact connected. One cannot be mentioned without another. How so? Because despite their differences at first glance, as per the domino effect, becoming conscious of one thing often leads to becoming conscious of another and so forth. That’s why we say one Kind Revolution kicks off another as we play the biggest and most meaningful ‘connect-the-dots’ game.


If you’re vegan, it’s likely that you’ll come to care about the environment.

If you care about the environment, it’s likely that you’ll come to care about mass-production and its effects.

If you care about mass-production and its effects, it’s likely that you’ll come to care about what is moral.

If you care about what is moral, it’s likely that you’ll come to care about the impact of pornography production and viewing.

If you care about the impact of pornography production and viewing, it’s likely that you’ll come to care about general wellbeing.

If you care about general wellbeing, it’s likely that you’ll come to care about spirituality and ancient wisdom.

If you care about spirituality and ancient wisdom, it’s likely that you’ll come to care about our freedom.

If you care about our freedom, it’s likely you’ll come to care about how the economic set-up of our society and the 9-5 5-day work week restricts our potential for more.

If you care about how the economic set-up of our society and the 9-5 5-day work week restricts our potential for more, it’s likely that you’ll come to care about how technology is being used to create a surveillance society and heighten control over the people.

We could go on.

How We Serve

We’re currently twofold in how we serve but global in how we intend to create impact:

Serving as a one-stop shop

Serving as a one-stop shop, uniting different movements, organisations, groups, and individuals – of all different levels of prominence – under their relevant Kind Revolution. We unify the topics that an I-want-to-stand-up-for-what’s-right-and-better-our-collective-reality type of person could, and should, ever care about as well as the game-changers, disrupters and rule-breakers who address them under one warm roof.

Maybe you’re an expert on everything ecological and vegan, but you agree that our problems don’t stop at getting people to be more eco-friendly in their habits and to see animals as friends instead food, even though it’d be a HUGE win.

Maybe you’re an expert on male-female interaction and harmonious relationships, but you agree that our problems don’t stop at resolving the man versus woman war and restoring strong family units, even though it’d be a HUGE win.

Maybe you’re an expert on the government’s heightening of control via technology and AI and how to protect our freedom, but you agree that our problems don’t stop at dismantling the growing technology and AI takeover, even though it’d be a HUGE win.

Simply put, there is so much goodness to create in so many ways and areas.

Instead of working magic in our separate corners, be part of a platform that is whole in perspective and holistic in approach when it comes to revolutionising our reality.

We AMPLIFY. CHAMPION. SUPPORT. every cause and message that matters.

Contact us here to join – for free – and be associated with Kind Revolutions.

What we would do together:

  • Organise campaigns.
  • Collaborate on projects and generate ideas.
  • Plan events wherein we generate people power for our causes.
  • Create how-to guides on kicking off these Kind Revolutions.
  • Encourage philanthropy towards our different Kind Revolutions.

Serving as a representation of, and a community for, the people

Serving as a representation of, and a community for, the people in which everyone is a master. Why? Because we believe that everyone has something to contribute, and that wisdom belongs to all who wish to learn and know. It is within this sharing space that we welcome people to show how they’re taking the Kind Revolutions message and turning it into a concrete way of life, encouraging others to do the same. Our K-REV community hosting space is currently being decided, for now, get involved via our Instagram.

While many often deal with the politics in honour of a top-down approach to change, we like to deal with YOU, the people, as we strongly believe in a ‘people power over system power’ bottom-up approach to change. With that said, combining both approaches to change will surely help us accomplish our common missions faster.

Let's come together!
K-REV is a call to

Kind Revolutions is a call. A call to love. A call to freedom. A call to come together and create a new reality. We’re seeking and counting upon the open-minded, the warm-hearted, the dreamers, the believers, the creatives, the compassionate, the virtuous, the challengers to raise their shields and embark on Kind Revolutions with us.

Discover them here and play your part in each of them.

Take your childhood dreams of saving the world out of the trash as it is HERE that we actually save the world.

Sounds impossible? Overambitious? Unrealistic? Not surprising, considering how powerless we’re made to feel.

But your powerlessness is just an illusion and you fell for it when you agreed to the following narrative: “I’m just little me, the average powerless joe, I can’t change anything, I can’t make enough of an impact, it’s not my fight and I’m waiting to be saved.” THAT, right there, was the moment that you were tricked into shackles. Physically? No. Via the mind, which can be worse.

When the mind lives in a compact tiny box, it serves the system instead of serving you and the greater good.

Answer me this, are you ready to finally reclaim your power? If you’re screaming “YES”, then raise your shields for Kind Revolutions!

When you reclaim your power, you naturally create change in your own world first – at an individual level – those are your personal Kind Revolutions. But it turns into something bigger as more of us adopt the same mindset and therefore make the same changes. These efforts combined – our people power – make Kind Revolutions happen throughout the wider world.

This isn’t just my fight or your fight, this is OUR fight. So, I’m counting on all of you, the people, to grab a shield with me and see this through.

Marilena Madsen
Founder & CEO, Kind revolutions (k-rev)
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